Saturday, September 18, 2010

The savory of Sate Kelapa (Coconut Satay) at Jalan Ondomohem

Located in Jl.Ondomohen (now is Jl.Walikota Mustajab), Sate Kelapa Ondomohen (Coconut Satay) is always crowded with starving customer during lunch time. I heard from friends about how good the satay is and I really want to try it out by myself. To avoid the crowd, I was coming at 2pm. Apparently, it still loaded with bunch of people.

I ordered Sate Kelapa Campur (Coconut satay mixed with some innards such as intestine and tripe) which is the specialty of this restaurant. One portion is consist of 10 pieces of satay, put on the top of peanut sauce. The fragrant aromatic of fresh satay from the grilled is made me can't wait to start biting them.

The meat is so tender and richly flavored. It mixed perfectly with special peanut sauce that is rightly matched. What a heavenly dish! One is never enough. I can't stop biting them until it finished. Very recommended dish!

Unfortunately, the place is not too comfortable, especially when it fully packed with people. Quite small, with only some fan in the corner, and the smoke from the satay grilled outside is entering the dining place sometimes. As an alternative, I saw some people prefer to go rather than dine-in. Whatever you prefer, it is still a Must-Try dish you should try when you are in Surabaya.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Nasi Empal Udang Bu Rudi @Surabaya, Sambalnya mantappp ...

Sambal sudah merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan sebagai pendamping makanan sehari-hari warga Surabaya. Ada berbagai macem jenis sambal mulai sambal terasi, sambal pencit, dll ... Salah satu sambel yang tidak boleh dilewatkan di kota Surabaya adalah sambal Bu Rudi (diambil dari nama pemiliknya). Berlokasi di jalan Dharmahusada, depot "Bu Rudi" merupakan salah satu restoran favorit saya di Surabaya.

Khususnya di pagi hari, tempat ini selalu ramai dipadati pelanggan untuk bersantap pagi di sana ataupun untuk dibawa pulang. Menu andalannya adalah Nasi Empal Udang Bu Rudi, yang terdiri dari nasi hangat mengepul, udang kering gurih, empal, taburan poyah halus dan serungdeng di atasnya, dan tentunya sambal spesial khas Bu Rudi!

Sambel yang satu ini punya citarasa khas yang sulit didapatkan di tempat manapun. Rasanya gurih dan pedasnya nendang!! Kombinasi bawang putih, bawang merah, dan cabe yang berbaur menjadi satu menghasilkan aroma luar biasa yang membuat kita meneteskan air liur. Disantap bersama dgn udang kering dan taburan poyah dan serundeng, benar-benar membuat lidah bergoyang dan mulut serasa tak mau berhenti menyantap. Jangan heran jika keringat anda terus mengucur saat menyantap menu spesial ini. Untuk para penggemar sambal, jangan khawatir bahwa porsi sambal nya masih terasa kurang. Di atas meja, tersedia satu se-toples kecil sambal untuk di santap.

Saat ini, Depot "Bu Rudi" sudah membuka cabang di jalan Kupang Indah dan Pasar Atum. Dan selalu ramai oleh pengunjung. Untuk anda yang datang dari luar kota, sangat convenient jika anda bermaksud untuk membawa udang dan sambalnya ke kota anda, karena di sana sudah disediakan packing untuk bawa pulang. Saat saya masih bersekolah di luar negeri, udang dan sambal ini tidak pernah luput untuk saya bawa ke sana untuk pendamping makan sehari-hari.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rawon Nguling @Nguling

Ini dia salah satu makanan favorit di Jawa Timur, Rawon! Bagi orang Indonesia, khususnya jawa timur, makanan ini sudah tak asing lagi menghiasi rumah makan sekitar dan tak jarang jadi pilihan santapan pagi/siang. Rawon Nguling merupakan salah satu rawon tertua dan terenak di Jawa Timur, tepatnya di kota Nguling. Bahkan Presiden SBY pun sempat mampir di sini, seperti bisa dilihat foto nya di dalam rumah makan.

Kuah hitam pekat dengan aroma dan citarasa khas rempah2 indonesia, ditambah irisan daging yang empuk, dan disajikan dlm keadaan hangat menggoda, membuat Rawon Nguling menjadi menu favorit di tempat ini. Rumah makan Rawon Nguling tidak pernah sepi pengunjung, selalu saja ada pengunjung, baik penduduk setempat ataupun orang yg sedang travel/bekerja di luar kota.

Lokasi nya sendiri berada di kota Nguling, daerah agak luar dari Probolinggo. Dari Surabaya, kira2 memakan waktu kurang lebih 2 jam. Karena itu, banyak orang yg sedang travel ke daerah Probolinggo/Jember byk mampir ke tempat ini untuk mengisi perut.

Saya sendiri pertama kali mencicipi rawon nguling pada saat perjalanan menuju Jember. Sekitar jam 8 pagi sampai di lokasi, tempat ini sudah dipenuhi banyak pengunjung. Rumah makan ini cukup besar, sehingga saya bersama 1 orang rekan kerja saya tidak kesulitan untuk mencari tempat. Kami memesan 2 porsi rawon dan 1 otak goreng.

Untuk harga, tidak terlalu murah, Rp. 15,000 untuk seporsi rawon dan Rp. 9000 untuk satu potong otak goreng. Menurut saya, harga ini cukup berimbang dengan kualitasnya yg memang yahud.

Rumah makan Rawon Nguling sendiri sudah berdiri sejak lama, bahkan di surabaya pun sudah buka beberapa cabang. Tapi menurut saya, cabang2 yg di surabaya kurang standard. Mungkin karena beda tangan dari si tukang masak.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Surabaya Culinary: Iga Penyet Leco

This is one of my favorite food in Surabaya. Iga Penyet "Leco" is originally located in Surabaya, they have two location: Jl. HR Muhammad (original) and Jl. Manyar Kertoarjo. Now on, they already have branches in Jakarta and Bandung. Iga Penyet (Beef ribs put on the top of Terasi Chili) is their specialized menu. They also served many food such as Bakwan Penyet (Beef Ball w/Terasi), Sop Iga (Ribs soup), and so on ... but in my opinion, Iga Penyet is the best!

One portion of Iga Penyet is consist of 3-4 big ribs that is very tender (I wonder how can they made such a tender ribs!) and tasty, Terasi Chili that you can choose from 3 types: not spicy, medium spicy, and super spicy (I strongly recommended this for spicy lovers), and sprinkle of crunchy garlics on the top of the ribs. For ribs, you don't even need to use your hand to take the meat from its bone. You can just pull it softly with your spone or fork, just nice! All I can say about this meal is: EXCELLENT!. They really know how to spoil your hungry thumbs.

For price, it costs you Rp. 25.000 ($2.5) for one portion of Iga Penyet. Very reasonable price for such a delicacy. You will go home and feels good because your money is well worth.

Jl. HR Muhammad Ruko Surya Inti B-2.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Surabaya Culinary: Mie Jogja Pak Karso

Located in jln. Gubeng, this small places always crowded with customers on dinner time. It's only opened after 5 or 6 pm.

This places specialized on Mie Goreng (friend noodle), Mid-Java style. The noodle is a bit thicker than common noodle, with chicken/beef on it, and fried onion on top. The noodle itself is very tasty! The spices they used on the noodle are very delicant, not too much and not too little. One portion of Mie Jogja Pak Karso can nicely feed your empty stomach.

If you like others menu, they also have fried rice and another stype of noodles. I personally only try mie goreng at the time, but i heard that others menu are very mouth watering as well.

The price is very reasonable, about Rp. 12.000/portion ($1.2). No wonder that this places always loaded with people on dinner time. My suggestion, come early or late to prevent long waiting line to dine in.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Surabaya Culinary: Soto Ayam Pak Djayus

This place is quite famous for culinaryholic in Surabaya. They offer one of an Indonesian authentic food: Soto Ayam (Yellow Soup w/chicken) Pak Djayus. As far as I know, they have three places which are in Manyar (first place), Rungkut, and Kendangsari.

A bowl of soto ayam consist of bunch of chicken shredded, vermicelli, boiled egg, and savory yellow soup. The soup itself are made by lots of Indonesian uniques spices such as ketumbar, serai, lengkuas, garlic, white onion, and so on, that is nicely crushed and mixed together, then put it on the boiled water together with the chicken brooth. This is a little secret why the taste of it is fantastic and it smells very tempting!

The combination of soup and the items inside are perfectly matched in my mouth. Don't forget to pour a "poyah" (it's a mixed of dry shrimp crushed until very soft) on the top of soto, it added an essential taste of the soto! Also if you like, you can add "telor muda" (unborn egg) that has superb taste! Very condense and very mouth watering.

One portion of soto ayam costs about Rp. 12.000 (about $1.2) and if you add "telor muda", it costs you another Rp. 4.000 (about $0.40). It's a very reasonable price for such an amazing food!